bb extra

BB Extra: Inductive Bible Study

BB Extra: Inductive Bible Study

Moses has left the stage and Joshua has been asked to step forward. Joshua was born a slave. Now, he takes charge of an invading army. He has been tasked by no less than the King of the Universe with the job of taking back his people’s rightful land

BB Extra: Fasting

BB Extra: Fasting

What is it: Saying no to a physical appetite to say yes to a spiritual hunger. Why: To soften our hearts toward God. To say no to self-centeredness. Is It Extreme- People fast for a lot of different reasons. It only seems extreme when Christians do it. What it is

BB Extra: Greatest Tool You Are Not Using

BB Extra: Greatest Tool You Are Not Using

Let's talk about the greatest tool for spiritual victory you are likely not using... Bible Memorization.  Why: Move at the speed of the battle. Which ones: Whatever you struggle with the most. God has not given us the spirit of Fear but of power, love and a sound



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