1 Timothy 01: God Thinks More of You Than You Do

1 Timothy 01: God Thinks More of You Than You Do

In this episode of the Bible Breakdown podcast, Pastor Brandon delves into the first chapter of 1 Timothy, revealing profound insights from Paul's letter to his spiritual son, Timothy. Written in the tumultuous years of 60-62 AD, just before Paul's martyrdom, this letter provides invaluable wisdom

Ezra 10: Empower for This Generation

Ezra 10: Empower for This Generation

In the latest episode of the Bible Breakdown podcast, titled "Ezra 10: Renewal Through Repentance," we delve into the profound narrative of communal repentance and spiritual revival as recorded in the book of Ezra, chapter 10. This episode sheds light on how one man's sorrow and

Ezra 09: Mourning for the Lord

Ezra 09: Mourning for the Lord

In our latest podcast episode, we delve into the profound themes of mourning, repentance, and spiritual transformation as we explore Ezra, chapter 9. Titled "Mourning for the Lord," this episode offers a deep dive into Ezra's heartfelt grief upon discovering the Israelites' disobedience through intermarriage

Ezra 08: What Do People Say About You?

Ezra 08: What Do People Say About You?

In the latest episode of our podcast, we delve into Ezra Chapter 8, exploring themes of faith, protection, community impact, and the perception of our actions. This episode is a journey through the biblical text, revealing profound lessons and challenging us to reflect on our own lives. Ezra’s commitment



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