2 Kings 10: Sometimes You've Gotta Break a Few Eggs

2 Kings 10: Sometimes You've Gotta Break a Few Eggs

In a recent podcast episode, Pastor Brandon delves into the biblical narrative of Jehu in 2 Kings chapter 10. The episode provides a riveting look into the harsh realities of leadership, reform, and the necessary, albeit uncomfortable, decisions that accompany the pursuit of divine justice. As we listen, we are

2 Kings 9: Tough Times Make Tough People

2 Kings 9: Tough Times Make Tough People

In our latest podcast episode, we dive deep into the powerful narrative of 2 Kings chapter 9, exploring the fascinating journey of Jehu and drawing compelling parallels to our modern lives. The biblical story serves as a profound reminder that adversity isn't just an obstacle; it's

2 Kings 8: Actions Have Consequences

2 Kings 8: Actions Have Consequences

When we reflect on the narratives of scripture, it becomes clear that our choices are more than fleeting decisions; they are the very stones that pave our life's path. The latest episode of the Bible Breakdown Podcast, hosted by Pastor Brandon, delves deep into the biblical chapter of

2 Kings 7: Honest Lepers and Road Kill

2 Kings 7: Honest Lepers and Road Kill

In the latest episode of our podcast, we immerse ourselves in the remarkable story of four lepers from 2 Kings 7, drawing out timeless lessons of divine providence and the morality of sharing unexpected blessings. This biblical account, set in the backdrop of a city under siege and facing extreme



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