2 Kings 17: God and Burger King

2 Kings 17: God and Burger King

Exploring the nuanced interplay between divine direction and human autonomy, the latest podcast episode with Pastor Brandon offers a profound examination of 2 Kings Chapter 17. The biblical narrative serves as a stark reminder of the consequences of selective obedience and the price of autonomy, offering timeless wisdom for modern

2 Kings 16: God Is Not A Buffet

2 Kings 16: God Is Not A Buffet

In our latest episode of the Bible Breakdown podcast, Pastor Brandon tackles the complex subject of spiritual selectivity—a concept where individuals may approach their faith as if it were a buffet, cherry-picking beliefs and practices that align with their personal preferences while disregarding those that challenge them or demand

2 Kings 15: Everyone Has Their Own Story

2 Kings 15: Everyone Has Their Own Story

In the most recent episode of Bible Breakdown, Pastor Brandon takes us through a meticulous exploration of 2 Kings 15, shedding light on the convoluted yet fascinating chronicles of the kings of Israel and Judah. The scripture provides not only a historical account but also serves as a reflective mirror,

2 Kings 14: God Doesn't Forget Your Suffering

2 Kings 14: God Doesn't Forget Your Suffering

In the labyrinth of life's trials and tribulations, it's not uncommon to feel like we are walking alone, unseen and forgotten by the divine forces that many seek comfort in. The latest episode of the Bible Breakdown Podcast delves into the profound narratives found in 2



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