Jeremiah 04: Take a U-turn, Anywhere

Jeremiah 04: Take a U-turn, Anywhere

In this episode of the Bible Breakdown podcast, we dive deep into Jeremiah chapter 4—a poignant chapter filled with warnings, judgment, and a glimmer of hope. The core message focuses on the essential act of making a U-turn in life, akin to turning back to God when faced with

Jeremiah 03: Come On Home

Jeremiah 03: Come On Home

The story found in Jeremiah 3 is one of profound grace, love, and a call to return home—a message that resonates deeply in our hearts today. As Pastor Brandon explores this chapter, he unpacks the tumultuous relationship between God and His people. The setting is dark: Israel has strayed

Jeremiah 02: Remember the Good Old Days

Jeremiah 02: Remember the Good Old Days

In the latest episode of the Bible Breakdown podcast, we dive deep into Jeremiah chapter 2, reflecting on the theme "Remember the Good Old Days." This episode serves as an invitation to explore our spiritual roots and the essence of a relationship with God that often feels lost

Jeremiah 01: God Equips the Called

Jeremiah 01: God Equips the Called

The Bible Breakdown podcast takes a deep dive into the rich and complex world of the book of Jeremiah in this latest episode, titled "God Equips the Cult." The host, Pastor Brandon, expertly guides listeners through an overview of Jeremiah's prophetic journey, emphasizing key themes of



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