Jeremiah 07: God Still Offers Hope

Jeremiah 07: God Still Offers Hope

Hope is a central theme in the book of Jeremiah, a prophet who faced relentless opposition while proclaiming God's message of hope amidst despair. In our latest podcast episode, we unpack the profound implications of Jeremiah chapter 7, particularly the struggles of the people of Judah. As Pastor

Jeremiah 06: Choose Rest or Chaos

Jeremiah 06: Choose Rest or Chaos

In today’s fast-paced world, the pressures of life often lead us to a point where we feel torn between paths, much like the citizens of ancient Jerusalem spoken about in Jeremiah 6. During this episode of the Bible Breakdown Podcast, host Pastor Brandon delves into the metaphor of crossroads

Jeremiah 05: Windbags and Dragon Breath

Jeremiah 05: Windbags and Dragon Breath

In today’s episode of the Bible Breakdown podcast, we delve into Jeremiah, chapter 5, exploring the profound distinction between those who speak empty words, likened to "windbags," and those whose voices hold the fiery truth of God, akin to "dragon breath." In an age where

BBXtra: Chapter 12 of 12 Points that Prove Christianity is True

BBXtra: Chapter 12 of 12 Points that Prove Christianity is True

In today's episode, we delve into a powerful exploration of apologetics as we conclude our year-long journey through Dr. Norman Geisler’s book, "12 Points that Show Christianity Is True." Over the past months, we have meticulously analyzed each of the twelve points presented, which aim



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