Jeremiah 11: They Want Him Dead

Jeremiah 11: They Want Him Dead

The story of Jeremiah is one that resonates across ages, delivering potent lessons on integrity, courage, and faith. In this podcast episode, we delve deep into Jeremiah chapter 11, where the prophet faces dire consequences for declaring God’s message, warning his people of impending judgment. The central theme is

Jeremiah 10: Did God Call Them Stupid?

Jeremiah 10: Did God Call Them Stupid?

In the latest episode of the Bible Breakdown Podcast, we delve into the powerful message of Jeremiah Chapter 10, examining the unsettling question: Did God call them stupid? This episode is an exploration of idolatry, self-reflection, and the tough love of God. By presenting a mirror that highlights our flaws

Jeremiah 09: God Swaggerin'

Jeremiah 09: God Swaggerin'

The Bible Breakdown podcast delves into the profound themes of Jeremiah chapter 9, encapsulating a message that resonates deeply with contemporary audiences. The episode, hosted by Pastor Brandon, emphasizes the importance of finding hope amid despair. He introduces the notion of "God Swaggerin'," a unique term coined

Jeremiah 08: The Lord Hurts With Us

Jeremiah 08: The Lord Hurts With Us

Have you ever stopped to think about the emotions God must feel as He watches humanity struggle with its shortcomings? In the latest episode of the Bible Breakdown podcast, we dive deeply into Jeremiah chapter 8, where God's heartache for His people is palpably illustrated. The theme of



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