Philemon 01: Forgiveness is Worth It

Philemon 01: Forgiveness is Worth It

In our latest podcast episode, we delve into the profound message of forgiveness found in the often-overlooked book of Philemon. The Apostle Paul's letter to Philemon is a heartfelt plea for mercy and reconciliation, penned during his imprisonment in Rome. The episode centers around Onesimus, a runaway slave

BBXtra: Chapter 8 of 12 Points that Prove Christianity is True

BBXtra: Chapter 8 of 12 Points that Prove Christianity is True

Can you truly defend your faith using reason and evidence? This is the compelling question we tackle in this month's episode of Bible Breakdown Extra, where we dive into the powerful field of apologetics guided by Dr. Norman Geisler's "12 Points That Show Christianity Is

Job 42: That Romans 8:28 Life

Job 42: That Romans 8:28 Life

Can trusting in God's wisdom truly transform your suffering into blessings? This compelling episode of the Bible Breakdown podcast takes us on a profound journey through the final chapters of Job, culminating in Job 42. We witness Job's transformation from despair to redemption, marked by his

Job 41: God's Got This

Job 41: God's Got This

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you underestimated someone, only to be blown away by their hidden capabilities? This episode of our podcast, titled "Job 41: God's Power Beyond Understanding," dives deep into such a scenario through the lens of scripture, personal anecdotes,



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