Jeremiah 22: What Matters to God

Jeremiah 22: What Matters to God

In our latest episode of the Bible Breakdown podcast, we delve into Jeremiah chapter 22 to explore the profound theme of what truly matters to God. The overarching message is a call for introspection, not only of the leaders in ancient Judah but of ourselves as well. As listeners engage

Jeremiah 21: Not the Game Plan We Expected

Jeremiah 21: Not the Game Plan We Expected

The biblical narrative often doesn't match our expectations, especially when we are seeking divine intervention during difficult times. In the case of Jeremiah 21, we encounter a profound lesson about surrender and the true nature of God's plans for humanity. As we delve into this chapter,

Jeremiah 20: Jeremiah Needs Some Meds

Jeremiah 20: Jeremiah Needs Some Meds

The life of a prophet is never an easy one, especially when one takes the mantle of a messenger from God like Jeremiah did. In this latest episode of the Bible Breakdown Podcast, we delve deep into Jeremiah Chapter 20, a chapter rich with emotion and full of the struggles

Jeremiah 19: A Warning at the Garage Dump

Jeremiah 19: A Warning at the Garage Dump

In the latest episode of the Bible Breakdown Podcast, we delve into Jeremiah 19, titled “A Warning at the Garbage Dump.” This thought-provoking chapter serves as a chilling reminder of the consequences of ignoring divine warnings. The story begins with Jeremiah being instructed to buy a clay jar and then



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