Job 21: It Really is About Us and God

Job 21: It Really is About Us and God

In the latest episode of the Bible Breakdown podcast, Pastor Brandon takes us on a journey through Job chapter 21, addressing one of life's most perplexing questions: Why do the wicked prosper while the righteous suffer? This thought-provoking episode delves into Job's intense dialogue with his

Job 20: Sin Has a Price Tag

Job 20: Sin Has a Price Tag

What if the true cost of sin was like the unmarked prices at a yard sale—only discovered when it's too late? This compelling question sets the stage for a transformative episode of the Bible Breakdown podcast, hosted by Pastor Brandon. In this episode titled "Job 20:

Job 19: We Live By What We Know

Job 19: We Live By What We Know

In our latest podcast episode, "Finding Light in the Darkness," we delve into the profound story of Job from Chapter 19. This narrative stands as a beacon of hope, showcasing the power of unwavering faith even amidst the most excruciating suffering. Job's story is a testament

Job 18: The Best Way to Be Unhelpful

Job 18: The Best Way to Be Unhelpful

How often do our well-intentioned words fall flat or even wound those we aim to support? In this episode, we dissect the harsh rebuke of Bildad the Shuhite in Job 18, illustrating the pitfalls of offering unhelpful encouragement during someone's suffering. We examine how Bildad’s attempts to



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